Julio's Still Winning

He's our biggest hope right now

It's coming right down to the wire

We still need two more points

Julio can get us one

. . . but where's the other one going to come from?

Skip Did His Part

Skip says he used to get punished
for canoe-to-canoe battles
at Boy Scout camp

. . . but those skills
came in handy today!

Woo hoo!

He won the Moat Boat contest

where the losers went falling
into the lily pads and floating turds

Cool Old Guys Teaching

The older, more skilled fighters
are standing around teaching technique
between matches

You can go up and ask 'em questions!

They're nice to everybody
(Everybody switches allegiances so often
that today's enemy is tomorrow's ally)
Like Afghanistan.

Skip and I practiced sword
with this one old guy
it was awesome

Scoreboard Update

Facino the Dog & Co. --- 16 [IN]
Sicilian Lances --- 7
Swiss Jag-Offs --- 15 [IN]
Rhone Valley Rustlers --- 10
Rhone Valley Mary's Company --- 7
Corps of Charlemagne's Glory --- 10
Dieter's Darlings --- 9
Free Lances of the Veneto ---6
North Woods Terrors --- 8
Walter's Weaklings --- 12
Blue Company --- 12

Ra Ra Ree, Kick 'em in the Knee!

Go, Blue Company, go!