Dear You,

I'm still missing you so much

come away, come away,
come away with me!

Walk Down a Medieval Street
Hand-in-Hand With Me

Get Bumped

and panhandled
by eloquent members of the
Panhandler's Guild

Do A 'Five Count'

A Blue Company tradition
is that whoever is first in line
when walking past something that smells foul

hollers out "Three Count!"
or "Five Count!"
or, if it's really awful,
"Ten Count!"

to indicate how long everyone should
hold their breath

Look out!
Leather Workshop!
Five Count!

Become Really Grateful for Vitamin Pills

walking around people watching
makes me feel like promising to myself
never to complain about anything ever again

There is lots of scurvy
scurvy and rickets

Observe Enforced Symbiosis

Two aristocratic teenagers ride by,
boy and girl . . . surrounded by their
layers of servants & bodyguards
surrounding them like an onion

. . . it's like how whales are a pod,
ants are a colony,
bees are a hive,
. . . rich people and their servants
are a single organism . . .

these kids
(their pages tell us)

are going to the municipal warehouse

to pick out final decorations
for their wedding party clothes

and they get out of their entourage
like we would step out of our car

slamming the page-boy behind them

The minute they go into the shop
the servants relax and start making fun of them

Enjoy the Ancient Amenities

Roman-style sit down plumbing!

It's so bizarre to be in a time
when it's just assumed
that everything in the past
(i.e. Roman times)
was ten times better
than it is now!

Hear a Milanese Doorbell

Walk over
to where Regine is staying

and yell her name with me in the street

(like everyone does)

. . . until she waves down to us

"Hi, Regine!
Time for your meeting!"

See Government in Action

Come with me
to translate for Regine
as she delivers one of her messages
(long boring list of troop movements)

to the lizardly Milan City Councilman

who talks with us from his bed
which has two other people in it
under the covers

doing . . . well . . . something


to him

(I honestly couldn't tell what)


That was a new one


I thought I'd seen everything

Ask About Petrarch
Everywhere We Go

Is he staying at your lord's house?
Francis Petrar?
Francesco Petrarca?
The poet?
The scholar?

He's within yards of us,
I can just feel it
It's driving me nuts!

Come Back Home Again

To Louder's place

and sit in the courtyard
with all our new friends
until dark

I wish you could meet everybody

Sing A Troubadour Song
With Us

I'll teach you
(I got them to teach me
the wolfman one)

E sitot lop m'appellatz
And if they call me a wolf

no m'o tenh a deshonor
I won't take it as dishonor

ni se-m baton li pastor
not even if the shepherds beat me with sticks

ni se-m sui per lor cassatz
not even if they hunt me down


La Loba ditz que seus so
The WolfLady says I belong to her

et a-nb ben drech e razo
and she's absolutely right

que per ma fe mielhs suis sieus
because I belong to her more

que no sui d'autrui ni mieus
than I belong to anyone else, even myself

*long look into your eyes*

*trying not to crack up*

*no, I'm being serious!!*

*it was a beautiful moment, and I blew it*

*start again*

*long look into your eyes*

Make A Straw Bed
With Me in a Corner of
Louder's Apartment

1) select your straw (this is the crucial step)

2) make sure it's free from bugs, dung, mildew

3) lie on it and play wiggleworm for about 15 seconds

(everyone all over Europe makes straw beds
in the exact same wiggleworm way)

Receive a Wrist Rub

Good Night

I like you