Sleep? Why Bother?

I write Dear You from the middle of the night

The only difference
between being asleep and awake
these days
is that, with my eyes open
I have a fighting chance

against the Fantasy Pope's Soldiers
who keep killing me

I am more frightened about this upcoming battle
than I've ever been about anything in my life

In the dream that woke me up
just now
I saw the face of an actual guy
from Facino The Dog's Company
with whom I partied in Milan

We will be facing those guys
within 36 hours

He killed me, of course
in the dream

I'm Not the Only One Awake

Regine spread us out tonight
so that we can have our own fires

and our own thoughts
and psych up to fight in our own ways

A Model of Mind

The mind is a 600-channel
satellite TV system

The On/Off button is broken
(the receiver is On all the time)

. . . and the battered Channel Up/Down button
only works only erratically

Through diligent effort
(pointing the remote in different directions
and mashing the rubber Up/Down button just right)
one may, in life, learn gradually

to select the channel, the images

Right now my TV is stuck
on an all-weekend
Pope's-Army-Kills-Berto-Alto Marathon

In The Meantime . . .

I'm trying not to be bummed out
about you and me

I know how tiresome that is
believe me, I know


little things

. . . like how we used
all the antibiotics we brought
treating stupid little scrapes and nicks
and now we have almost none left
for the battle

Skip's Kockamamie Kaper

No wonder Skip's been nervous

He finally came clean with me

(Going through that battlefield yesterday
put the Fear of Dog
in a lot of people)

Skip fucking traded
a geurilla CARE Package
of 21st century materiel
(explosives, vitamins, unwrapped granola bars)
for one (huge) (stolen) diamond,
three emeralds,
a gold crucifix and change!

and his plan is to bury them
near a Tuscan landmark
and fucking go on vacation to Italy
this summer of 2002
and dig them up

Every aspect of this plan
is so forbidden it's not even funny

not to mention being an insanely long shot
that they'll still be there

Skip feels he's gotten around the
proscription against
leaving anything tracable behind
by the fact that his stuff was all biodegradable

I was really pissed at him
and yelled at him for the first time

To do something so stupid
when we're so close to going home!

"What, do you think you're in a fucking
pirate movie?!"

Our Four Following Friends

. . . who are out there in the darkness right now
are Mobsters (Skip believes)
who know about Skip's diamond

and are waiting patiently to acquire it

This job sucks

In the Meantime . . .

. . . I'm not succeeding
in not being bummed out
about us

little things

. . . like the sleepy cricket
on my knee

Fighting Dreams With Dreams

Maybe we work back-wor(l)ds
from the Dream World to the Waking World

Maybe that's what Quixote-ing is all about

Maybe that's why
we watch The Matrix over and over

Maybe that's why
all us people decided
it would be "a good idea"
to dress up in costumes and come back here

Maybe it's our way of
trying to produce our own program
and get it on the TV in our minds
instead of all the unwanted programming
that pours through

Signed Sincerely Yours Truly

Berto Alto the Wolf Giant

star of
"The Berto-Alto-the-Wolf-Giant-
and-Doesn't-Get-Killed-in-the-Middle-Ages Show"