That bastard's hammer

swinging toward my chest

as he leans down from his horse

woke me up again

about 20 minutes ago

-- terrified --

No way was I getting back to sleep!

So I tiptoed the laptop out of the tent

into the moonlight

and I climbed the hillside

Now I'm sitting on a rock above camp

Dear You,

I'm so surprised the hammer-in-the-chest
is still bothering me this much


I got to sleep fine last night (the day it happened)

I hate this.

I close my eyes and he's right there

cocking his arm
as I walk by leading Nastibelle

Amazing Quiet

. . . over the valley tonight

I hear the creek

and I heard one o-o-o-owl on my way up here

Such Noise . . .
. . . going on in my head

Things I shoulda/coulda done to prevent
the Swiss dude reaching me

plus a million "I told you so"s

plus a million "don't complain --
you knew there were risks"s

plus a million "don't be a crybaby"s

so I know, I know, I know, I know

you don't have to tell me

Broken Up

I'm not the only one awake right now

(it's probably around 3:00 a.m.)

Down below

way down by the river
Julio and Superstar are sitting
in the moonlight

they were a couple
but they broke up before transferring back here

but they hang out together a lot

(I don't think they're having sex any more)

They share the same weird sleep pattern
and have built a parallel life, where
nearly every night
they go
night walking and night hiking and night talking

and get to just sit together

whereas you and I
are just getting to know each other
and can't sit within centuries of each other

Look at the moon . .

. . .tonight, if you can, my friend.
(it's the same lovely rock I'm looking at)

But look
slightly slightly to the south and west of it.

My Goth science geek buddy
tells me that's the direction the
wobbly old earth has shifted
in the 600 years that separate us

if you look just to the southwest of your moon

you'll be looking exactly where I'm looking now

I do love that rock


I'm afraid

I'm afraid of medieval professional fighting gents

I'm afraid that I'm afraid of people in general

Why the fuckall did I come back here anyway
right after I met you?!!

*clears throat*

*looks away from the laptop screen*

Do I have your permission to miss you?

I have a theory that people unerringly choose
the precise distance
from other people
that feels comfortable for them
-- cf. workaholics, long distance relationships, etc.---

I hope that's not true.

Sorry I'm such a downer tonight.

Too Quiet

What I wouldn't give to hear one car

see one airplane

airplanes in the sky r so beautiful
I'll never take them for granted again

Sweet Slumber

our horses are asleep
our dogs are asleep
our sentinels are asleep
shit, let them sleep

In the Soft Italian Night

The Truth is wheeling in his saddle
to bring

his big Hammer of Reality
against my chest

brandishing the Sword of Missing You
in his other hand

good night